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  1. Thomas Amott 1746-1826 (Age 80)  Marriage1774 Mary Nevitt 1753-1835 (Age 82)
    1. Mary Amott 1777-1847 (Age 70)
    2. Esther Amott 1778-
    3. George Amott 1780-1854 (Age 74)  Marriage Martha Hopkins 1781-1855 (Age 74)
      1. Thomas Amott 1807-
      2. George Amott 1809-
      3. Martha Hopkins Amott 1811-1879 (Age 68)
      4. Mary Roughton Amott 1813-1889 (Age 75)
      5. Robert Leaver Amott 1815-1879 (Age 64)
      George Amott 1780-1854 (Age 74)  Marriage Amelia Cowper 1799-1853 (Age 54)
      1. Ceorge Cowper Amott 1823-1898 (Age 75)
      2. Amelia Cowper Amott 1826-  Marriage1851 William Austen 1822-1874 (Age 52)
      3. Charles Cowper Amott 1829-1873 (Age 44)
      4. Sophia Cowper Amott 1831-
      5. Georgiana Cowper Amott 1833-
      6. Albert Cowper Amott 1835-
      7. Louisa Cowper Amott 1836-
      8. William Cowper Amott 1838-